Hey everyone!
I've been meaning to write this posting for several weeks but finally got down to working on it the last several days.
How my son Cameron came to be is an interesting story... at least to me, ha! Since he is a month old on the 5th, I decided to finally write down his birth story :)
Sometimes I will have dreams that could be considered "prophetic".
About two weeks before I unknowingly conceived Cameron, I had a dream that I was extremely pregnant with Ron's child...the dream then showed me a line up of babies in "test-tube-like" chambers...I was shown the seventh baby in this "line up" of tubes. The baby was not a girl, so I then knew it had to be a boy. This was to be my baby. He had a possible skin condition that would effect his eyes...oddly enough Cameron did have some eye/skin issues after his birth that are now on the mend.
I didn't think anything of the dream, other than it was just "a dream" but wrote it down in my dream journal that I keep for entertainment.
Weeks later, Ron and I had been taking a nap and I was drifting in that half awake/half asleep state of consciousness. I was still aware of my body, my thoughts, being in the room...when all of a sudden I felt a very gentle finger pet the side of my face on my temple. This loving hand stroked my skin twice and then I fell into a deeper sleep. Despite the oddness of being touched I didn't feel scared or worried...but loved. Then, I was inside of a flesh-colored tunnel and moving very quickly. Before me was a lotus flower chakra symbol...I was watching this flower as it unfolded before me. And then I woke up. (I researched months later that it was the fertility charka symbol!) I had an odd feeling that something spiritually significant had just happened to me but brushed it off. I woke up Ron and told him about it. He replied, "I just had a dream we had a child." I remember thinking "that is weird" but not considering it to be valid or factual whatsoever. In fact, I thought I was basically sterile but always took precautions.
As a kid I always had the idea that having children at age 27 would be great...then when I turned 27 this last year I was like, "Nope...not yet!" But low and behold...I became pregnant at 27!
Shortly after Valentine's Day I remember waking up and hearing an inner voice telling me to take a pregnancy test. It was the first thought that popped into my head when I woke up and I had no idea why. I went to the doctor to confirm the at-home test and sure enough I was pregnant. Ron was going to enlist in the Navy that next day had he not found out I was pregnant. But thankfully I was given that spiritual "insight" and we got back together and are now a happy family :)
I had several dreams of Cameron throughout the pregnancy but especially as we neared his due date. I began having vivid dreams of interacting with him in utero. I dreamt he pushed his little hand through my belly and I was able to hold his hand through my skin. A few days before he was born I dreamt he had finally arrived and I was holding him. I kept trying to see his face in the dream (I was conscious I was dreaming) but he kept turning away from me...Cameron showed me a note in that dream he had written and it said something along the lines of "I want you to wait until it's special to see what I look like." Basically he wanted me to wait until he was born for me to finally see him...I laughed when I woke up and respected his request ;)
Finally, October 5th arrived and I remember wanting to go out to breakfast to a lovely French restaurant I adore with Ron. I had the distinct feeling that, "This might be my last meal out in a long time and we should go out to enjoy a nice meal together before I give birth." But I didn't think I would go into labor that day...But I did! I was upstairs in the office when my water broke and I ran into the bathroom unsure if I was really experiencing my waters breaking. Then the toilet began to leak and a storm was rolling in...apparently barometric pressure changes lead to lots of births. I arrived at the hospital and soon other mothers-to-be started coming in and the hospital was busy! Babies were flying out left and right ;) (The toilet hasn't leaked since, oddly enough, but both our waters were leaking, ha!) My waters broke at 1:11 p.m...I kept seeing the number 111 everywhere that week as well!
I had to have an impromptu c-section for a few reasons and I was really nervous about the epidural and complications for Cameron. I started making jokes and entertaining the operating room staff (something I do when I'm scared lol) and they were loving it. They asked what my fiances' name was and I told them Ron, or "Ronaldo is what I call him..." My doctor went out to the waiting room to grab Ron and announced, "Ronaldo?" Ron later recalls how nervous and stressed out he was waiting in the waiting area, when out comes a doctor relaying that I'm in there cracking jokes - he shook his head, ha!
Cameron was born at 5:01 p.m. at 20" long, a 15" head, 14" chest and 8 pounds and 11 ounces! I'm only 5'3 (if we're being generous) so he was a big baby! I also proudly had the largest placenta our doula had ever seen...apparently I'm good at growing healthy babies!
So that is about all I can write down for now with a newborn, ha! I hope all is well with you readers!
Light & Love to you all!
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