Sunday, April 17, 2016

Is God Real? The Meaning of Life? Is New Age evil?....For atheists, skeptics and believers...

Hey everyone!

So I was just reading an article and watched a Youtube testimonial from an individual who previously ran a very successful "spirit science & metaphysics" website/blog who has recently turned away from "new age" pursuits and towards Christianity. I think it'd be an interesting topic to discuss and my experience with God, the Divine, etc. I'll give you my background, things I've experienced that I can't explain, and my thoughts on this.

I honestly am delighted when anyone finds themselves connected with what I refer to as "God". Unfortunately in this society, the word "God" and "Jesus" are very loaded and often tainted. You see minority individuals, like the Westboro Baptist Church, hating on gays advertised on the media, etc. So for a logical, balanced skeptic, it gives God/Jesus a horrible reputation...and I agree. What we have to remember is that you'll find extremists in any religion and culture. What I look at is what this person or group is it full of love and light - the essence of God? Or is it fearful, hateful, and judgmental? Does it separate people? That is of the "dark side". Often times, people are repulsed by mainstream religion due to is corruption (pedophilia in the church, monetary motives, mega churches, greed, etc.) and find themselves a skeptic or atheist like the blogger. I completely understand their all seems manmade and why would someone logically believe in something there isn't any solid evidence for? Well that is where faith comes in...and opening yourself up to receiving signs...or communicating with the Divine. And boy do I have a lot of "odd" stories about signs and serendipity with the Divine.

I was raised as a Christian, I stopped going to church at around 11 years old, but began my own personal spiritual journey at that age. I began trying to understand my psychic abilities I have had since I was very young, and that persistent "knowing" since I was extremely young that there is more to this world...I didn't hate church but I often felt it was missing the point. God was so much bigger and more amazing than mankind was portraying Him/She/It to be...I would also see people, living corrupt lives, attending church...just wanting to believe in something, anything. Wanting to be "saved" and filled up. I don't know how I really knew these things as a small kid but I sensed them. I had a very mature ability to reflect on adults at my was more so intuition. I saw ministers try to use people for their money or skills, including my family and I was turned off. I didn't want to go back to church. But I never doubted God nor stopped believing. I instead began trying to find ways to explain God and how to connect to that divine source.

I studied many different religions and cultures...trying to take away from each one what "rang true" to my soul...and out of all of them it was about "light and love". Again, never questioning God or that Christ existed, etc. But just trying to find a way that felt "right". One that didn't include hatred, judgment...a path that encouraged absolute love and acceptance of others, the animals, our environment, etc. I've learned that "spirituality" i.e. connecting with God/Great Spirit/Divine Creator, etc. is very individualistic...everyone has a different path and what is "right" for one person, isn't necessarily right for another person. Hence why some individuals thrive in church, while others thrive reading and studying God on their own. I think that aspect is often overlooked or frowned upon by organized religion which is a shame. God will connect with us on our own levels if we welcome and encourage it. People need to be encouraged to look for God in whatever way suits them. Knock on God's door and "He" will open it...if you call, God will answer. Maybe not in an obvious way that our A.D.D. society is used to like on a billboard or iPad...but the Divine does speak to us. Almost a whisper and you'll miss it if you don't know where to look or what to expect.

So is God real? What is God? From what I've studied, God isn't a bearded old man that sits and judges you at the end of your life, ha. Plot twist...according to NDE (near death experiences), psychics, and those who claim to remember life before they were born and past lives...we are the ones to judge ourselves after we die. We do a "life review"...and an even bigger twist? We can experience what "we" were like through other's eyes and hearts...we can feel the pain of that person we bullied in third grade. We can feel the pain of that frog we stomped on as a little boy...It isn't about "right or wrong" but learning from experiences. And that is the meaning of our life. To learn and to evolve. Often over many lifetimes...which is pretty logical to me. No one can learn and experience everything as one "role" in a lifetime...we must play different roles each lifetime. Tying this back to those who are Christian....Jesus said, "I am but the first seed." and very clearly demonstrates reincarnation...hello, Easter. I'll get to more New Age stuff in a minute...

I have seen miraculous healing through prayers...From people to my own beloved bulldog, Jack. I don't have a logical explanation. For example...Jack had a horrible prolapsed urethra and was spurting (literally arterial spurts) blood everywhere from his was horrible to see. I met with the vet and we set a date for when he would have part of his urethra amputated and a mass removed from his genital area. I asked Facebook (funny I know) to send prayers, good mojo, and positive thinking for Jack. I took Jack in to the vet that morning and left...nervous but trusting that God would take care of him. A few hours later the vet calls after preparing to do Jack's surgery. "Well I've never seen this before...the mass is gone and his urethra isn't prolapsed anymore. I tried to pull the tissue out manually and there isn't anything there anymore...he doesn't need the surgery." Jack miraculously healed over night and the mass and tissue mysteriously disappeared. He hasn't had a problem since. How is that possible? Rapid healing on that level does not exist in our typical me, that was divine in nature. Prayers work. Whether it is the "Law of Attraction" or not, prayers work.

More proof God is real? Sure. But it's just proof for'll probably need your own proof or experiences to fully believe, so I ask that you try. With an open heart, ask for God to give you a sign that "He" is real.

I have encountered evil that is repulsed by anything "holy" or pure like God. I have had what I refer to as demonic entities, speak directly to me in audio recordings, clear as day voices not some garbled crap on a voice recorder that likely was a cat yawning haha...but real and evil voices. "Sweetheart" one called me and then beckoned me to participate in one of its perverse games in the recording. I have seen these entities show up at my house before a house blessing to try and scare me away from helping the client. Mind you, I did pass a DSM-IV (psychological evaluation that is 5+ hours long) with flying colors. What I saw was real and I have no explanation for it, other than sometimes I get a glimpse of the spiritual world...both good and bad. Interestingly enough, I have seen different religions demonstrate effective methods, including New Age methods, in house blessings and the removal of demonic How did these other religions work at removing a demonic entity if Christianity is "the only way" in this bloggers mind? I think it's beyond religion, again. God seems to work through those who are willing...more on that in a second...

Is God something we can explain like the Law of Attraction, but we just lack the technology to prove it? Is God a real entity? Or more so a phenomenon? I think both.

In the article from the blogger, he announces he will be reviewing all new age topics and going over how they are actually demonic. I'm concerned because often times, when we stumble upon a new experience, belief, or accepted religion, we often bulldoze and burn bridges to anything that represents the past...i.e. throwing out the baby with the bath water. I do not believe all New Age schools of thought and practices are evil...i.e. I don't think meditation is bad, I don't think crystals (formations God made) are evil, I don't think psychics and mediums are evil (Corinthians)...some of these have truth to them...but it isn't separate to points to God. I think when people begin using these items or practices, thinking it's a separate "force" from God, they welcome in darkness and it is blasphemous. For example, I use my dreams as a gift from God so that I can better understand what task He wants me to complete...who to help, how to help, what to do for healing, etc. But in no way do I believe my dreams are my special creation because I am unique and "god-like" or some deity. I know that these prophecies I have are from God and God only. I am told very specific information and eerily accurate metaphors and symbols....not knowing their applicable meaning until I look them up. Then it all makes sense.

Sometimes I'll get people who write me quoting scripture regarding how using white sage during a house blessing is "witchcraft" and not of God...They are often fearful and angry. But then I have my personal experiences to reference. I have had cases in which ordained Catholic priests were unable to remove a demonic presence through prayers and blessing the house. Quite simply, the blessings did not work. I went into the home and counseled the family, then performed a blessing (using multiple religious methods combined into one) and it worked. The demonic presence was removed. Why did this work? I do not believe I am "special" but rather that God will work through anyone who is willing and opens themselves to a pure connection with Him/Her/It. (To me, God does not have a gender but rather is a universal force that loves like a parent but does not seem to display a "male" or "female" type persona.) Perhaps the priest's hearts were not "in it" or perhaps using some of these God-made items on earth is helpful...white sage is an amazing plant put on this planet that I am grateful for. And for those who claim it is's actually Native American in nature, not Pagan, and has shown in recent studies to purify and sanitize air. Pretty cool!

Whenever I see people on Youtube, Facebook, etc. declare what is "right" and what is "wrong" about another person's's usually out of fear. And some strange alliance they feel towards what they were taught religiously. They never questioned what they were taught and will stick to those guns no matter what...even if it means bashing on another person and dehumanizing them...It kills me to see a minority of "Christians" hating other people without realizing they are hypocrites to Jesus' and God's teachings. Those are the lost "Christians". Often trying to make up for their own tainted past...many are born again and will force feed others their spiritual beliefs. Usually losing any chance at "converting" someone due to their forceful approach.

I find that the best way to convince people of God is to not convince them. Simply, plant seeds in their a farmer of spirituality. Let them figure it out. I never cram a denomination or religion down people's throats...but if I am given the chance, I will tell stories of "odd" things I cannot explain. I'll pique their curiosity and get them to wonder a bit. I make it an experiment for them..."Ask for a sign sometime and see what you get. Be open and sincere, but just wait and watch..."

Many of us crave spiritual fulfillment that mainstream religion isn't giving to us. And you're right. God is so much more beautiful, intimate, holy, and pure than what is being shown. It's okay to be turned off by mega churches, to feel disappointed when a religious leader preaches about judging others...because it isn't of God I have found. I also believe it is okay to search for God in many places...because in the end, God is everywhere, and God speaks to us in different ways. For some people, that may be with crystal healing...for others it may be Jesus working through them with I hope that this "Spirit Science & Metaphysics" blogger doesn't completely throw away all his knowledge and experiences...but realizes that many of those methods are used to "reach God" but many get distracted on the way or don't give credit to God where it is due. Just some food for thought.

Light & Love to you all!