Cutting corners; we all do it.
Whether we are trying to be more time-efficient by using the 12-item-only checkout lane, or not doing our work thoroughly enough, or popping a microwave dinner in - we all try to get more for less or in a shorter amount of time.
Why is it that many Americans (and other Western/Industrialized countries) have this weird impending sense of doom when it comes to 'time'? Why are we always in a hurry, rushing about our daily lives, and constantly planning for the future. Very few know how to simply live in the moment. To absorb. To be. To exist. According to many NDE and OBE's (near death experiences and out of body experiences), psychics and mediums, there is no such thing as "time" on the other side. Basically, most of the crap we worry about here on Earth is pointless. Charming! :) Knowing that, what would you do differently with your life?
Is it really within our true nature to be so damn cheap, lazy, and in a hurry? I like to think not. I really feel the 9-5 world and consumerism is NOT our true nature. It is something we've been conditioned to. We have been groomed to constantly want new items, a better car, more advanced technology, and so on thanks to advertising and marketing. Without the big corporations (who function as the
real 'nations' in this world) pushing us to buy and consume, I don't think we really would be so enthralled with the life we are living. Actually, most people
aren't happy with their lives to be honest. Not here in America at least. We are one of the most unhappy countries in the world. We're also behind in education, medicine, and more. And yet, American boys scored the highest in confidence with school and life compared to the rest of the world. Interesting. We're not doing too hot and yet we're the most confident. Don't mistake confidence for patriotism. There is a huge difference.
Don't get me wrong, I
love this country with my whole heart...I love our citizens, in fact I would give my life for them! But! We have some issues and a lot of dirty laundry to deal with. I
don't like the American corporations like Walmart or Sam's Club that are destroying our country by putting out small-town mom-and-pop businesses and poisoning our people with toxic products from China. Exporting our jobs just to make profit is one of the issues that will end this country. But their products are cheap and people are poor so they support these businesses. These are fairly well-known issues and yet no one does anything about it? Why are we so passive, careless, or even exhausted?
(Pssst...I've heard rumors such as fluoride in the public water leads to becoming passive, calcifying your pineal gland (your spiritual connection organ), lowers IQ and causes ADHD, and more. If that's true, maybe the powers that be don't want us to be active or have a voice. Something to think about. Do your own research. I'm not here to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I always, always question things. )
Capitalism is a self-defeating system; it is
factual that eventually capitalism implodes upon itself. Why? Because it's main principle is: You can make more money by working harder than everyone else...OR...(the most popular one) you can make more money by standing on the backs of others. Meaning, one group or person advances through the suppression of others, or taking advantage of others. I.e. exporting our jobs to Mexico because the workers there have no rights, are cheaper, disposable, and no medical coverage is needed for them. Many women in Tijuana at the Walmart factory had "jellyfish babies" they gave birth to because of toxins Walmart dumped in their town. Delightful! Bet you didn't hear about that did you? Capitalism allows a small group (specifically the "1%" wealthy elitists in the world) to profit and prosper off the backs of the lower class (that is us ladies and gentlemen)...hence why our middle class is shrinking and more of the impoverished social class is growing. Capitalism
could be a good thing if kept in check by caps or limits. But isn't...and now we're seeing the repercussions on our people. Granted we're going through the second Great Depression, despite the media avoiding using that phrase, but it really is because of the backlash from this economic structure. That and many other things!
Anywho! Back to being lazy and impatient, which seems like a contradiction :) Most of our problems stem from this drive we have to be more efficient and having everything NOW! We've industrialized our farming which has led to horrendous practices (including horrible treatment of animals which you never get to see - it's truly heartbreaking to watch), cancerous foods with GMOs and pesticides that also are killing wildlife, a loss of nutrients and vitamins in our foods leading to nutritional depletion of our bodies and diseases, etc. All for what? So these companies can make more profit by producing more food for less and quicker. The idea that there isn't enough food in the world is false; starvation in countries is not due to lack of food, its a corruption of distribution and their governments. AND it is possible to feed the world organically; do not believe their claims and 'reasons' for growing GMOs. It has been proven organic farming can/did work. P.S. What the hell did they do decades ago? Thank God countries around the world are banning GMOs finally. It scared me that Congress/President signed an agreement that any bad "findings" on GMOs could not be held against Monsanto within the next 6 months or six years...what were they worried we would find out? Ironically, both the White House and Monsanto only carry organic food in their cafeterias. Hmmm....Also, we're not utilizing good, efficient methods for growing food. I have met so many amazing private farmers who grow organically; specifically one woman up here in Traverse City. She has been asked to lecture at agricultural colleges and classes about her methods because she has perfected growing food within a small space, and organically. Her food is amazing, and she uses heirloom seeds...delicious and much healthier, with more flavor! Yum!
We are
so disconnected from our food we have no idea where it comes from and at what cost...I should be a vegetarian but I sometimes enjoy meat (I'm trying to eat more fish and turkey versus beef which consumes so much energy and the environment to produce). In fact we should switch to goat's milk and meat, and focus more on animals that fly or swim for our food sources. Did you know goat milk is the world's #1 milk? But here in America we're obsessed with cows for some reason. Cows are so destructive to the environment, soils, etc. compared to goats. It's probably because our cows 'taste good'...the meat is pumped full of flavor enhancers, the cows are fed other dead cows, M&Ms, potato chips, and other gross things are mixed in to their feed. We really should switch to goats! :) Goats are a blast! But if you're going to eat meat, please try to find a local farmer that offers grass fed beef, turkey, etc. It is an investment in your health,
your community's economy, the environment, and more! It is an investment in your children's future. Its fun to buy local! Here is a
very mild and modest glimpse of industrialized farming (I'm sparing you from pictures and videos that nightmares are made of):
Think about this:
"Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you
by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."
Ancient Indian Proverb
All too often we view the earth as "inherited", when really we are truly borrowing from our future generations...leaving them with our pollution, waste, fallen economies, and more.
Our cost of living is constantly rising...because we have more junk these days. Back in the day one person could support a household. Now it is damn near impossible; you need at least two parents working. In modern times we now have new expenses like cell phones, internet, cable, Netflix, iTunes, and more... And based on our rate and the development of technology, it will only get worse. Are we even getting raises to compensate the annual 3% increase in the cost of living due to inflation? Nope. So while you've been closer to drowning each year, the pattern remains the same. We need to change. Every corporation is trying to price gouge and rape each person...assuming there is enough in our wallet for them to steal from too! "Hey! All the other companies are doing it...we should be able to as well!" And so all these crazy fees, rates, and expenses begin piling up on us from every direction. When is enough enough?
What happened to business ethics and morals? Out the window! Very few companies exist today that honor their workers, the CEOs keep their salary in check and within a limit (instead of millions), and so on. Costco does a great job at paying their workers well, great benefits, and their CEO/founder has vowed to keep his salary at $300k (or less) regardless of how large the company grows. That is pretty awesome!!! And their workers are much happier AND more productive! Imagine that! With these millionaires and billionaires...what are they chasing after? When is enough money truly enough? For them it is greed, perhaps competition...maybe it is a game for them. But for the rest of us we have lots of bills to pay and it is real life for us, not some fun social experiment.
So what can you do if you're struggling or want to make a difference?
1) Buy locally...stock up on food in a freezer if you want - buy a portion of a pig, cow, turkey, etc. from your local farmer.
2) GROW YOUR OWN GARDEN!!! This is huge. Do you ever wonder why back in the day the U.S. government use to promote and encourage people to grow their own gardens during war times? Because they wanted our people to be self-reliant and self-sufficient! Now days, corporations are in control and they don't want you to be independent. They want you to be a 9-5 drone and buy their product because it is easier.
3) Buy used or second-hand items.
4) LEARN to be handy!!! FIX things once in awhile instead of buying new crap all the time. I don't even want to get started about my generation (and the men) in regards to being useless with fixing things. We are no longer handy. I tiled a bathroom and kitchen floor by myself. I fixed up a foreclosure and flipped it. How many people know how to fix things? A lot of people don't. And because they "don't have time due to work" or "don't know how" they're always calling the trades people and spending a lot of money. You can save SO much money if you learn to be handy. Our parents and society have done a poor job at handing down learned skills like that.
5) Always pay yourself 10% first towards your retirement. I think I heard somewhere that the average American is only retiring with $20k-30k...that is terrifying. It should be around $200k+ realistically. Save your money and pay yourself first.
5) If you can't afford to pay for it in full...DON'T buy it! I understand car repairs and other unexpected and expensive things happen, but if you can't afford to buy that $800 flat-screen TV up front right now. Leave it alone. Credit cards are an illusion. And a number one reason for suicide.
6) Share your ideas and advice in the comments below - help each other!
I know its depressing but we can vote with our dollars, we can become more self-reliant and we can teach responsibility to our children so one day these companies can change.
~Light & Love to you all~