Hey everyone!
I hope all of you are enjoying the springtime thus far! I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but finally found time to sit down and write for you guys! :)
There are three gnomes on this tea mug, each one at a different height...but all are staring at me, "What are you going to write about next?" ;) My sister always gets me the coolest gifts!
“The most beautiful
people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering,
known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.
These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding
of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving
concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Read more at: http://fractalenlightenment.com/34245/life/five-of-the-worst-ways-to-be-an-empath | FractalEnlightenment.com
“The most beautiful
people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering,
known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.
These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding
of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving
concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Read more at: http://fractalenlightenment.com/34245/life/five-of-the-worst-ways-to-be-an-empath | FractalEnlightenment.com
“The most beautiful
people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering,
known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.
These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding
of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving
concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Read more at: http://fractalenlightenment.com/34245/life/five-of-the-worst-ways-to-be-an-empath | FractalEnlightenment.com
“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
“The most beautiful
people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering,
known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.
These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding
of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving
concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Read more at: http://fractalenlightenment.com/34245/life/five-of-the-worst-ways-to-be-an-empath | FractalEnlightenment.com
“The most beautiful
people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering,
known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.
These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding
of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving
concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Read more at: http://fractalenlightenment.com/34245/life/five-of-the-worst-ways-to-be-an-empath | FractalEnlightenment.com
It's a little earlier than normal for me...likely because I exercised a bunch the last two days. I woke up at 4 a.m. this morning, super sore but with a decent amount of energy...odd, because I am usually exhausted. Why? There's plenty of theories but I think the biggest one of all is being an empath and not practicing distancing myself or turning "off" this weird ability. That and autoimmune junk, hooray! More often than not I feel drained and burnt out by life. But I am working at improving things! Currently I am reading a great book called "
The Empowered Empath" by Rosetree. I like her writing style and eventually I'll get to the parts on how to turn off the intuition more.
Intuitive gifts are usually viewed as a "burden" or as a "gift"; depending on the person and their experiences with it in life so far. But! All are gifts - it is how we use it and discipline it that matters. Of course you'll find some insane extremists who will say such gifts are of the devil and clearly haven't read the holy scripture that they so solemnly swear by (Corinthians explains), but eventually when they're in spirit on the other side, all will be explained to them. ;)
As an empath you can take away people's pain, depression, anger...sometimes I take on their emotions and it makes me ill. I can channel divine energy into someone and heal them early of an illness...often without their knowing, or I may then become sick with their ailment if I don't clear myself properly. Many people subconsciously enjoy "dumping" their energy on empaths because they often feel recharged, energized, or healed after dealing with an empath...likely because they unloaded their problems and negative energy onto that person.
As a small child I was
painfully shy - a common trait for some empaths. I would hide behind my mother's leg, suck on my thumb, and stare up at people with huge blue eyes full of reticence. Leg = safety = I'm not moving from this leg of safety. Or at least I am sure that was my thought process. Even when I was born I didn't cry, but just stared at everyone in the room...."
Oh shit...what is this place?!? Put me back!"
I did have a phase of flirting as a little kid though. :/ I would pick some people as my victims of beguilement in a restaurant booster chair, but mostly I was very shy up until middle school into early college years. During my social butterfly times, I was in love with meeting new people, getting out, traveling the world, concerts, and more. Then things became overwhelming for me - my life contracted and I felt the urge to withdraw from the world again. Going to the mall or grocery store was overwhelming because my intuition became extremely loud and people would drain me of my energy. Often times, I would have someone explain their life-story or personal woes to me in the checkout line...I would think to myself, "I
didn't ask for this! I just wanted to pick up some eggs and salad..." but easier said than done. "My son died last week. I feel numb but sometimes..." and along with their story I actually
felt their pain and sadness. If they were hurting, I was hurting. People would tell me things that actually affected me way more than they realized. The moods and energy of people would imprint upon me or affect me until I got home to cleanse myself of their "cords". This was a daily battle!
With so many people being spiritually unaware, spiritually imbalanced, and spiritually irresponsible every day in the world...is it a wonder why I started to prefer staying at home with my animals? I was picking up "bad mojo" from people on a daily basis...and it made me very ill. Almost everyone is a "taker" and not a "giver". I don't mind when people take, in fact I love helping and giving (it feels great!) but if someone doesn't ever reciprocate...and they're always taking...they can go elsewhere.
If someone I love is having a bad day, I already know before they call me. I'll suffer through the same anxiety attack or problem they're having miles away. I've learned that whenever I get antsy, angry, or whatever usually something with a loved one is happening or a natural disaster is about to happen...and I've been 7:7 now. I'll share a little story, or two :)
A few years back my mother and I were visiting my sister and her childhood friend in D.C. We decided to go see "Magic Mike" (don't judge, haha...) at the mall and eat some Italian appetizers afterwards. Upon leaving the theater my mood changed and something didn't feel right (mind you, I'm not moody by nature). People were acting "spacey" in my mind and the overall feeling of the place began to change. "Something feels weird. Something isn't right." I announced at the dinner table above the neighboring table's voices. "Yeah, you're right. Something is off..." my mother and sister agreed. Even "Dee" my mother's friend, a huge skeptic, agreed that she felt a little strange. "We should head home." I proposed. And so we drove back to my sister's place. Within 15 minutes of getting home a transformer blew outside, the sky darkened and a very severe storm hit the city and coastline that we were not expecting. People lost power, some died, and it lasted for days. People fighting over a shortage of ice, water, and food. I've had more severe reactions with Haiti, earthquakes or tsunamis. Animals can sense when storms are coming...is that weird that some humans can too? My mom's friend doesn't like to believe in this sort of phenomena, and had a hard time explaining how we "knew"...she even felt it!
I can also sense when something bad is going to happen...something I used to ignore in high school but now I honor and respect. I learned the hard way. I can sense when trouble is coming, if I am to be injured by someone, or when someone is going to be a problem later. For example, a few weekends ago I was at a party for a friend. I felt that something bad was going to happen that night but wanted to assume I was wrong. I even had suspicions about a particular person but ignored it. Later that night, he grabbed a kitchen knife and went downstairs to stab someone. No one else saw him grab the knife, and although I don't think he would've really followed through with stabbing someone, I flew down the stairs and ripped it out of his hands. Mind you, this is not someone from our friend group, I don't know this person...but somehow I felt his energy that night - erratic, violent, and nervous energy. It paid off watching him like a hawk that evening.
Or the time when I woke up and knew my mother would be in trouble that day. We were working on flipping a house in Dearborn. She was alone with a local guy she had hired (him and I did not get along nicely because he knew I could read his true intentions - ripping her off and using her). I got in the car and drove down there quickly. Low and behold he was high as a kite and also invited over (assuming we wouldn't be there) a crack-smoking prostitute that was at least six feet tall and 250lbs in a red spandex jumpsuit named "Ruby." Ruby was a linebacker by birth. I informed mom that I was grabbing an iron skillet to hit someone over the head with unless she called the cops. ;) Ruby went in the back room to do drugs and I lost it. Thankfully that day got resolved and eventually "Tony" or "Roy" (you pick because he had two names...shady, much?) ended up in jail for various reasons and I called to make sure his release wasn't within the next year. Who else gets "stabbed at a family picnic" with someone by a "spork"?!? Rather a drug deal went badly...what a mess. I've got hundreds of stories! :)
Being an empath can come in different forms (physical, emotional, intuitive, etc.) and can be extremely helpful...if you choose to grow it and honor it. But it also seems so overwhelming...until you learn to turn it on and off. It's not fun looking someone in the eyes and beginning to "read" them, or being physically near people and feeling their different moods, or being at home happy and content but then your family member is having a meltdown so you're going to experience it too, involuntarily. It sucks!
But! There is hope :)
So what is the point of all these ramblings? Apparently 1 in 20 people are empaths, or about 5% of the population. 95% of the population do not sense these things. However, ANYONE can develop their intuition if they choose to do so. It is just like a muscle. And if you meditate, eat a healthy diet, avoid substances and alcohol, decalcify your pineal gland (take spirulina and fermented cod liver oil, avoid heavy metals and fluoride for starters) train your intuition...you can become quite fantastic about "tuning in". Being tuned in can be a wonderful gift and tool to use in your life...I use it in various ways. Helping to counsel people, connecting deeply with clients, or even in marketing or investing in concepts. I can sense what will trend! Haha! No it's not like
Rain Man...and I don't think it works on the lottery ;)
Essentially, I am looking forward to being able to turn it off and on, instead of walking about with my third eye open all the time in the world. Talk about overwhelming! Have any cool psychic, intuitive or empathic stories to share? Mother's/women's intuition? Share below in the comments if you like! :)
Here is a list of traits on Wiki that you can see if you match! :)
Light & Love to you all!