Wednesday, December 17, 2014

You Are What You Eat

Hey guys!

After browsing on Facebook (yes, I am guilty for using social media too...obviously because I write a blog, ha)....

I had come across someone's page who repeatedly was posting angry, judgemental, hateful postings regarding other religions, political concepts, and so on. I honestly get sad or hurt when I see someone conducting themselves in this way...what purpose does it serve? I've seen this type of "Facebooker" in my own family, previously, until I decided I was not going to allow their negativity in my life. Pressing 'block' to someone's postings can be quite liberating. Sure we all share social media space and thankfully we have a free country to share our differing viewpoints in, but when someone is truly focusing on pure hate, judgement, fear, and so it really a viewpoint or rather a state of mind? I am delighted to discuss differing opinions but if their points stem from a lack of education on a matter, or stem from racism, fear, and hate...I have a difficult time truly embracing what it is they're trying to say or what point they're trying to make.

So! The point I am getting to...

The 'food for thought' today: What do you choose to let into your life? You've all heard the saying, "You are what you eat/watch/surround yourself with" and so on. So what is present in your life lately? Are you putting into your life the 'food' to help you grow and flourish, or are you adding in toxins and negative situations that drag you down? Everything from your friends, family, television, groceries, music, and experiences are something we can choose to either let in our life, or to put up healthy boundaries against. So make sure you're involving yourself with what is the highest good for yourself and others. :)

When our media and our own social media postings focus on negative things, more negative things are to follow. For example, when our media idolizes and focuses on mass murderers and suicides...guess what? More mass murders and suicides happen. It's factual.

All living things respond to positivity and negativity, and yes there is now science behind this. I have mentioned before the plant experiment, or the water and rice experiment. Once upon a time in 'science land' there were three plants (and in the other test, there were three bottles of rice with water) kept in identical environments, and something strange happened. Two plants were the experimental group, and one was the control group. The two experimental plants were divided into the "positive plant" and the other being the "negative" plant. The negative plant was subjected to angry, loud, negative comments, music, and negative thoughts. The other plant was spoken nicely to, complimented, encouraged to grow, told loving things, and 'listened' to classical music. Guess which plant began failing and which plant flourished? In the other experiment the "negative" rice and water rotted faster, whereas the positive rice and water did not rot and seemed to be preserved. Interesting, huh?

Our words, thoughts, emotions, music, and other aspects of our lives have a greater impact than what this world wants you to believe. Everyone has an aura, or a magnetic field, around us; that has been proven (check out Kirlian Photography). It has also been proven that when we have a thought an electromagnetic/physical reaction happens. We could go into quantum physics but basically I am trying to say that we affect our environments and ourselves with our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences.

Here is an interesting article about how people can be made to believe something and that belief alters their performance accordingly. Now imagine if this is what is being applied to in our media...we're made to believe all the hate and violence. It can be kind of scary when you think about how much power our governments and media have over us with simple implied messages. This is why I encourage people to grow spiritually, to become aware, to become conscious. You can choose what to let in to your life and what to block out. Choose wisely :)

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