Thursday, February 25, 2016

Selfish People & Their Fears

Hey everyone!

Well we had a glimpse of spring here in Traverse City...there were spots of grass and as of last night we now have snow again, ha! The bulldogs seemed confused when I opened the door and they looked at the snow-covered porch..."It's back again! What?!" as they slowly sauntered outside.

I wanted to talk about egocentric people and mindsets today. I like to think that if we raise awareness on how selfish people think, and why they function the way they do, that we can help them evolve. This also helps those who are faced with egotistical individuals, and realize why they act the way they do...perhaps we can have compassion for them and understand them better.

You can tell if someone is selfish by their actions and thought process...they have a hard time with, or lack the ability, to give openly. Typically, they'll think of how this giving will affect them first, what they can get in return, etc. After giving they feel empty, or needing to be rewarded, filled back up or praised. "Give without expectations" is not something they encompass. They feel they never have enough, no matter what facet of life we are referring to.

They think of themselves first and can turn just about any situation into something "about them". I've seen it happen with someone's death or funeral, a new relationship, someone's job promotion, or pretty much any other life will translate into how it affects them.

People who are selfish exist in a lower energy level and typically are less evolved souls. Often this withholding and self-centeredness emanates from fear. Fear that they don't have enough, that they will be left behind, that their own needs and desires will not be met, and so on.

I believe that these people felt they weren't nurtured enough in their upbringing and instead of mastering self love...they put the burden of their fears and neediness onto other people. Consequently, projecting themselves as "selfish". An excessive concern with their own needs and self.

I think they often find their fulfillment through others, rather than from within themselves...they constantly look to others to nurture them or provide for them, and can even turn into what we call "psychic vampires". They can suck your energy, happiness, and health from you through direct and indirect ways. People find them to be depressing, negative, and tiring...similar to a blackhole. Instead of radiating love and happiness outwardly, their energy "pull" is an external to internal movement...much like a blackhole. A vacuum type of motion that moves from outside of themselves to inside themselves - if that makes sense. They need to be the center of attention...probably because they felt they weren't given enough attention growing up.

They often think in the negative, instead of the positive, and can eventually manifest their worst fears...creating a sort of self-defeating cycle.

Everything for them links back to "self" - which to me seems to be the opposite of God. God or the Divine, is really about everyone and everything...a connectedness...whereas "self" is singular, limited, and lonely. The divine is limitless, infinite, and conjoined.

Again, I'm going to connect this to the good vs. evil spectrum, lol sorry! But if you look at the vices the "dark side" wants you to indulge is all "self centered" and individualistic. Sort of where our society has been slipping towards. Instead of focusing on others, our world together, what connects us...we're moving towards "me, myself, and I". Many of these vices are solitary and lead to being isolated...back towards the "self" side of the spectrum. Vices, that if prolonged, will leave you alone and by yourself.

These are just some observations I've noticed...if you're dealing with someone who is egocentric, narcissistic, or even bordering on sociopathic...realize that they are all stuck in "self" mode, unable to see the bigger picture due to fear.

So how can we beat being selfish? Put your focus on others! Obviously make sure you love yourself before you begin to love others, but shift your focus towards the outside world. Give without expecting to receive anything, love openly and as often as you can, help whenever you're able to, and you will find that true fulfillment can come from loving and assisting others. :)

Light & love to you all!